
Planet centric development disrupts our future in a positive way. The way we develop services and, on the other hand, the type of services we use have a significant impact on what our planet looks like now and what it will look like in the future.

"We cannot solve problems using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them," said Albert Einstein.

Planet centric service development

Service development can no longer rely solely on user and customer-centricity because our current services have contributed to the ongoing climate crisis. A change in the approach to service development is necessary. Services must be reimagined from the ground up to be ecological, climate-friendly, and focused on enhancing well-being.

The solution to the climate crisis

Is technology and digitalization the solution to the climate crisis? Only if they guide us towards a planetarily sustainable lifestyle. This is where planet-centric development and design come into play, involving a new way of developing businesses and shaping services.

But who will be the service developers of the future? A crucial aspect of planetary development is agency, and every job should be seen as climate work if we want to live a good life on our planet.

Every decision related to service development and implementation can have an impact on the environment and climate. Through design, we can develop services that are ecologically sustainable and reduce our carbon footprint.

We also tailor keynotes presented by our Planet Diplomats Ecosystem to match your needs.

Let's make a positive impact together


+358 40 758 7805‬

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Planet Diplomats © 2023.

Let's make a positive impact together


+358 40 758 7805‬

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low-carbon principles and produces 0.19g of CO₂ for each visit.

Planet Diplomats © 2023.

Let's make a positive impact together


+358 40 758 7805‬

This website has been built with low-carbon

principles and produces 0.19g of CO₂ for each visit.

Planet Diplomats © 2023.