About Benjamin Pitkänen

About Benjamin Pitkänen

About Benjamin Pitkänen

Planet diplomat Benjamin is a co-founder of Viral Vegans. He advocates for events, companies, and organizations to embrace plant-based policies to cut the unnecessary ecological damage that can be avoided by serving only vegan food.

Animal agriculture is one of the main drivers of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. As the co-founder of Viral Vegans, Benjamin advocates for events, companies, and organizations to embrace plant-based policies to cut the unnecessary ecological damage that can be avoided by serving only vegan food. To achieve this goal, Benjamin does policy advocacy by looking at the sustainability guidelines of events and organizations and pinpointing that serving entirely plant-based foods is required if organizations are to adhere to their sustainability goals.

On top of consulting, Benjamin produces vegan content (TikTok videos, podcasts & food reviews) and does vegan education (school visits and guides). He is happy to collaborate in projects related to plant-based policies and with issues related to veganism.

Benjamin Pitkänen, Co-Founder, Viral Vegans


Planet diplomat Benjamin is a co-founder of Viral Vegans. He advocates for events, companies, and organizations to embrace plant-based policies to cut the unnecessary ecological damage that can be avoided by serving only vegan food.

Animal agriculture is one of the main drivers of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. As the co-founder of Viral Vegans, Benjamin advocates for events, companies, and organizations to embrace plant-based policies to cut the unnecessary ecological damage that can be avoided by serving only vegan food. To achieve this goal, Benjamin does policy advocacy by looking at the sustainability guidelines of events and organizations and pinpointing that serving entirely plant-based foods is required if organizations are to adhere to their sustainability goals.

On top of consulting, Benjamin produces vegan content (TikTok videos, podcasts & food reviews) and does vegan education (school visits and guides). He is happy to collaborate in projects related to plant-based policies and with issues related to veganism.

Benjamin Pitkänen, Co-Founder, Viral Vegans


Planet diplomat Benjamin is a co-founder of Viral Vegans. He advocates for events, companies, and organizations to embrace plant-based policies to cut the unnecessary ecological damage that can be avoided by serving only vegan food.

Animal agriculture is one of the main drivers of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. As the co-founder of Viral Vegans, Benjamin advocates for events, companies, and organizations to embrace plant-based policies to cut the unnecessary ecological damage that can be avoided by serving only vegan food. To achieve this goal, Benjamin does policy advocacy by looking at the sustainability guidelines of events and organizations and pinpointing that serving entirely plant-based foods is required if organizations are to adhere to their sustainability goals.

On top of consulting, Benjamin produces vegan content (TikTok videos, podcasts & food reviews) and does vegan education (school visits and guides). He is happy to collaborate in projects related to plant-based policies and with issues related to veganism.

Benjamin Pitkänen, Co-Founder, Viral Vegans


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Let's make a positive impact together


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This website has been built with low-carbon

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Planet Diplomats © 2023.